Example: Adhesions after Laparoscopy-a-myth?
A young girl of 14 who had laparoscopic appendectomy and was ill since than for 2 years. She could not go to school, was bedridden and suffered from nausea and vomiting.And what did the doctors say ?“She is becoming a teenager with psycho somatic symptoms”AND
“Laparoscopy does not make adhesions!” The fact that laparoscopy does not make adhesions is a myth and if we as doctors / surgeons just believe the patients who had ANY other surgery before and nothing else was found, THAN she has ADHESIONS for sure! Just take a look and heal! It is such a simple procedure and we as doctors /surgeons are there to provide help and WE evidently CAN HELP! And avoid such catastrophic results! And if one does’t believe the patients, so we should at least believe studies: The SCAR 1 and 2 study reveales that laparoscopic procedures can be associated with a high incidence of adhesion-related readmissions and that high-risk laparoscopies (e.g. endometriosis surgery, adhesiolysis) have a higher risk of adhesion formation and reformation.